Each and every one of us has had experiences that have caused us harm. That damage can sometimes heal quickly, and sometimes it lasts a long time. We may or may not realize that it exists, but when it affects us, it does so in profound ways.
If we have damage that we have not fully recovered from, it can often cause us to create obstacles in our own lives. We may not believe that we are worthy of having good things in our lives. We may sabotage ourselves and get in our own ways when it comes to going after the things that we want most. We may stop valuing ourselves and let others walk all over us, making it very little to gain power over our own lives.
Fortunately, this common issue is something that can be addressed. If you suspect you may have some internal healing to do, then there is no better time than the present to get started. We are all very fragile, whether we like to admit it or not, particularly when we are impressionable children. Sometimes things that happen can damage us for quite a long time and we feel powerless to stop it.
If you want to begin healing, the first step is in admitting that there is something there that needs addressed. That can be very difficult, but it is a great first step. Realize and understand that it is okay to have damage that has been unresolved, and do what is possible to make peace with that fact.
Once you have accepted that the damage exists, you can begin looking into resources that will help you heal. If you have suffered from some type of trauma or abuse for example, you can begin a healing journey by reading books that relate to your own personal experiences and speaking to others who have endured similar trials. It can also be helpful at times to speak with a therapist or counselor about your experiences so they can help you to sort through them and help you find tools that can help you to cope with the effects of your situation.
Just because we have something to heal doesn’t mean that we are intrinsically broken or that we deserve to have bad things happen to us. People with trauma also deserve a chance to thrive in this world, whether everybody else agrees with that or not. It can be very important to heal before attempting to make major changes in your life, because if you are getting in your own way, it can deepen the wounds and validate the faulty believe you may have that you are a failure, when the truth is that you simply need a chance to heal so you will get the same opportunity others have had to begin a beautiful, fulfilling life that you have power over.
There’s no reason to put it off. Start your healing journey today! You deserve great things.